Thursday, October 7, 2010

Exit Slip 10/7/10

       Ideas or new learning that I took away from class today involved the chapter four discussions. Within this discussion, my thinking expanded when we, as a class, discussed tests. The assigned group discussed that standardized tests and how those test do not test content-based knowledge. I definitely agree with that. Teachers or administration should organize a better way to test student’s knowledge such as, projects, open-ended questions, group presentation, etc.  This discussion brought new thinking about my learning in regards to test. Another new learning I took away from class was when presenting chapter discussion; that it is okay to add directions within the Smart board lesson. I thought that including directions would not be appropriate at the older learning level, such as college.
       Another new learning that I took away from today’s class was understanding iRLO (Interactive, Reusable, Learning, and Object). At first, I thought that this would be a difficult assignment, but as I saw examples and began to relate it to my interactive Smart Board lesson. In a way, I think this assignment is very similar to the IWB, only because students will be able to interact with enhancing their learning and understanding of certain material. The last learning I took away was knowing where and how to find article resources containing information for my inquiry question. I tried looking for resources, but I did not/forgot to use “advanced search” on Google, so I was bombarded with a lot extra resources. Now, I know that I can use Google Scholar to find scholarly resources related to my question. Class today allowed me to be better understanding of chapter four, as well as items needed for the A contract.

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