Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ch. 7 (Rethinking Education) What May be Lost and What May be LGained

How does this reading impact your thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning?
            How this reading impacts my thinking on technology’s role in learning and teaching is the chapter makes be rethink technology, again. As I read this chapter, I again, became more against technology use within the classroom and the fact of how fast technology is evolving.
            On page 107, one statement that I agreed with is when the author asked, “…will people become more isolated, sitting at home in front of a computer and interacting less with other people socially?” I find this question to have a straight forward answer. I know of several people who sit at home and chat online, whether it’s through Facebook, MySpace or Skype, and lack lives’ social skills. Some may say they are developing social skills using Skype because they can actually see the person perhaps, but I don’t think they are developing the correct social skills. What they are developing in online social skills, not lives’ social skills. Lives’ social skills include that face to face confrontation. I say this because the people I know that do this are some of my cousins. And let me tell you, they have no life social skills. When confronted with other they make a quick reply and quickly relieve themselves from that particular conversation. Now, I am not saying that all people are like this, but I feel technology uses like this are not beneficial for developing life social skills. Even though I can blankly answer that question with my own personal experiences, I also agree what the author states later on in the chapter.
            Later on in the chapter, the author states that technology is a great way to engage the students within an education setting. I agree with that as well. However, some technology can engage students for the wrong reason, which would counterfeit from their learning, but typically technology can engage the students in more enhance learning. It is important to keep technology in mind and also know how to correctly incorporate technology within your classroom.

What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
            As a direct result to this new thinking, I will encourage my students not to invest their time in online chat rooms. Although, I can only do that much and cannot control their actions outside of the classroom, I will incorporate ways to develop social skills within the classroom. As to what those ways are, I am not sure, but will create them depending on my future students. Also, as a future teacher, I will incorporate as much technology as possible. When I incorporate suitable technology tools, I will make sure that the students are properly engaging in that technology. If the students are not engaging in active learning properly, I will make changes that will benefit them.

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