For my technology inquiry wiki, I exerted a lot of effort in making sure I developed my own wiki page to the best of my ability. I spent multiple hours on creating my own wiki page. In those hours I made sure that I was presenting myself in a professional manner through the proper use of grammar as well as making sure I passed the “yes test”.
The value of completing this assignment was very beneficial. Even though this assignment required a lot of effort and work, I was able to learn a lot from doing this assignment. Through this assignment I was able to have a better understanding of how to operate my own wiki. I was even granted the opportunity to learn more about wikis due to the fact that my inquiry question was related to wikis and the classroom. Through researching my inquiry question, I came upon many ways to use a wiki in my future classroom. Throughout this class, I always wondered how all this technology could play out in the lower elementary grades, especially wikis. However, through my research I was able to determine multiple ways of including wikis in lower elementary grades. All in all the value of completing this course task allowed me to understand multiple ways in incorporating wikis into my future classrooms.
Completing this task impacts my future, but more specifically my student's future. Prior to this assignment I wasnt going to incorporate wikis into my classrooms mainly because I did not know how to use a wiki. However, my views on wikis were completely altered do the research I conducted. Now, my students will have the opportunity to explore a classroom wiki and even more technology that I have learned through out this course.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Exit slip 12/9/10
Today's class I was able to regather all of the ideas we have learned throughout the Education 331, which was beneficial for me to recall how I can integrate technology into my future classroom.
How will I teach?
How will I teach?
Three different ways I am going to integrate technology into my future classroom:
- Interactive White Board: through using an interactive White Board my students will be able to engage in all my lessons. Allowing my students to engage in my lessons will allow my students to retain the information presented to them better because my students will be actively engaged in the material.
- Classroom Wiki pages: Using wiki pages into my classroom allows me to communicate with my students' parents. The wiki page will be a classroom wiki in which I organize what I did through the day in order for the parents to know what their child has learned. I will also supply additional resources for the students' parents to engage in. In the classroom wiki I will display my students progress by putting their work on the wiki page in order for the students' parents to see their work. This classroom wiki will also allow my students to reflect on their day in my classroom. In a way, the students will sort of be able to discuss what has happened and what he or she learned.
- Show Beyond: I will use show beyond to "spice" up my literature corner. Show beyond will allow my students to put together their own story. My students will draw their pictures of their story and then I will let them take pictures of their pictures andupload it to the classroom computer. The students will be able to narrate their own story, as well as provide image text, which would enhance the student's writing skills.
- Video streaming
- blogging
- Scratch
- Epals
- Simulations
- online whiteboarding
- course website
- podcasting 1:1 initiative
- screencasting
- audio mechanisms
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Exit Slip 12/2/10
Today in class we watched a video based on the integration of technology within a teacher’s classroom. I took away multiple things from this video, which will aide me in integrating technology into my future classroom. The first way of integrating technology into my classroom would be to have an interactive white board. Integrating an interactive white board into a classroom allows for cooperative learning, and engagement and participation among the students. Cooperative learning includes the making of groups, in which the students can come to the board as a group and participate in that particular interactive white board lesson. Another way of integrating technology within my future classroom that I took away from this short video clip is through online collaborative projects. With online collaborative projects, I as a future teacher, could integrate pen pals or in this case E-pals into my classroom. Another way of integrating technology I took away involves blogging. Using blogging as a teacher is a good way to keep a daily document of what went on throughout the day in your classroom. Having students use blogs will allow the students to express their opinion on current events as well as classroom activities. Through identifying these ways of integrating technology, we developed “lens” in which we were able to realize what we could do before, what we could do without technology, and what is made better with technology. Doing this lens activity was a great way to see how technology has bettered education.
Today’s class was a great way to discuss the brilliant aspects of technology as well as the mistakes of technology.
How she integrates technology into her classroom:
•Using a daily blog (open classroom: document what is going on within the classroom, it’s a way to document what went on throughout the day.)
•Interactive white board (cooperative learning: groups working at the Smart Board, engagement and participation: motivating, students are curious)
•Online collaborative projects (work with other students throughout the word) (epals)
•Student blogs about current events and classroom activities: state their opinion.
•Laptops (mobile labs)
Today’s class was a great way to discuss the brilliant aspects of technology as well as the mistakes of technology.
How she integrates technology into her classroom:
•Using a daily blog (open classroom: document what is going on within the classroom, it’s a way to document what went on throughout the day.)
•Interactive white board (cooperative learning: groups working at the Smart Board, engagement and participation: motivating, students are curious)
•Online collaborative projects (work with other students throughout the word) (epals)
•Student blogs about current events and classroom activities: state their opinion.
•Laptops (mobile labs)
Monday, November 22, 2010
Public Service Announcement Reflection
While preparing our Public Service Announcement, each group exerted a lot of effort in planning and producing our PSA. We met multiple times outside of class to prepare and gather our ideas together. We divided each other’s work up equally, in order to secure a proper balance of workload. Our PSA on Facebook privacy allowed us to be familiar with our content because of having our own accounts. As a group, we wrote our script in order to be prepared when recording our video. Prior to recording our PSA we practiced many times in order to ensure us of no mistakes. We gave our best effort in producing the best PSA we are capable of making.
Creating and sharing our PSA allows our peers to view our content and educate themselves on the harm of Facebook. This impacts my future teaching because a PSA exposes me to a different technology tool I could use in my future classroom. It would be a great way to implement the classroom rules through using a PSA. Developing a PSA relating to classroom could be produce by my students or me. Allowing my students to produce a PSA would allow them to fully understand the classroom rules. Creating a PSA allows me to familiarize myself with the understanding of using iMovie in order to develop a finished product of a PSA.
Viewing my classmates’ PSAs can supply me with knowledge about other content too. When I view my peers’ PSAs I am able to develop other way to approach a PSA that could benefit me in my future teaching. Overall, we each exerted a lot of effort on our PSA to produce a PSA to the best of our ability.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Exit Slip 11/18/10
Today in class we discussed the final chapter in the book. While debriefing the group’s presentation I gained a better insight on the grouping of Jigsaw. I realized how important this grouping is because Jigsaw allows everyone to put in their input because the groups are smaller. The students are able to receive input and give input. Another thing that I took away from the debriefing is using multiple tools, not just using an Interactive White Board (Smart Board), but also the Document Camera (ELMO). Which brings up another topic and that is identifying certain tools properly by using the tool’s name and not just the brand name. I also learned about the three new R’s for education, which are Relevance, Rigor and Relationship.
Another thing that I took away from class today is when we were searching for media for our future classroom. This allowed me to see that things on the web are easy to find. I also learned that finding media that will be beneficial for me in the future will allow me to easily access this media later. I am also able to access my classmates’ Delicious account, which allows me to save time and use sources from their account. This class allowed me to future my Delicious account and also to see that I should add things that will benefit me and my future students.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Exit slip 11/11/10 and "What we did in class wiki"
Today in class I was really relieved to hear that today was a “catch your breath” day. I think this was beneficial to do because I am able to take time and revise and catch up on a few things. During the debriefing of discussion Chapter 9 I was able to learn some beneficial ideas for presenting in the future. Those ideas included using new tools such as Scriblink, assigning perspective to students, using tools that benefit visual learners and using the” five words or less” summary. The rest of class we were allowed to work on what we needed to work on. I worked on my iRLO and my Inquiry question wiki page.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Today in class:
1. We were informed that today will be a “catch your breath” day.
2. We were reminded about our podcasting to make sure we are doing a SWOT analysis and not showing how to use the cool tool.
3. Sarah Jackson, Kara Halambeck, Casey Bahr, and Casey Moon presented discussion on chapter 9: What does It All Mean?
- They presented:
i. What are positive/negative traits students learn from technology?
ii. What are positive/negative impacts of social communities on learning?
- Debriefing:
i. Plus: had a plan B, New tool (Scriblink), Using a new tool would allow all students to have their input, new grouping, assigning perspective, visual learners for new tool, summary in five words or less
ii. Delta: share prezi, forgot student.
- Discussed the quote that was provided in the chapter 9 presentation.
- Shared article: First graders use Facebook as a learning tool
- Found on D2L under course home.
- Shared article: Series of Eight : Building a Better Teacher
- Found on D2L under course home.
- Closing comments/concerns
- Professor Boyer shared his personalized Google page.
- iGoogle: provides feeds to come to you, you can personalize your own Google page.
- The rest of class we took time to catch up on homework
- homework:read Ch. 10 & Epilogue of Rethinking Education (pp. 147-159); post a reflection to your reflective learning blog:
o How does this reading impact your thinking about technology's role in teaching and learning?
o What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
2. A contract only: submit revised IWB lesson to dropbox on D2L
3. A contract only: continue revising your iRLO based on peer feedback (final version is due in 3 weeks)
4. continue developing your technology inquiry wiki page; annotated bibliography may change (additions, deletions, revisions); begin identifying 3-5 "best practices" synthesized from your formal and informal sources (WORK IN PROGRESS: due 7:00 PM on 12/20/10)
5. add helpful resources to your delicious account
Ch.10 Rethinking Education in a Technological World
Through reading this chapter my thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning was not impacted on due to the fact that my thinking has previously been impacted through reading previous chapter relating to these topics. As I read this chapter I had three sections that stood out to me. As I read these sections I began to think a lot and how beneficial these topics or sections are. These sections were “Rethinking Learning”, “Rethinking Educational Leadership”, and Rethinking the Role of Government in Education”. With these sections I was also able to realize what I will and have to do differently as a future educator.
The first section, “Rethinking Learning” allows me to see that I, as a future educator must rethink learning. Due to the fact that much technology wasn’t present to me in my every day education, therefore I am used to the way I have been taught. However, as a future educator I must see that learning can take place outside of the classroom. I must also encourage learning outside of the classroom, as well as within the classroom. Even more so, I must promote lifelong learning. Even though it might allow me to be “that educator in the classroom”, I still must encourage learning. In other words I will promote learning that will benefit my students throughout their whole life time.
The second section “Rethinking Educational Leadership” is important for me to do. Having the leadership about technology will make it easier because I can emphasize the integration of technology in the classroom as well as at home. I will accept and encourage my students to adapt to robust language-rich resources. As a future lower elementary teacher, where reading is important, I think using the computer to increase student’s reading skills is beneficial. As mentioned the page 141, students will learn the sight-to-sound which is very important. I will incorporate as much technology in my classroom for others to follow; I will also encourage technology outside of the classroom.
The third section “Rethinking the Role of Government in Education” is very important. One thing that I believe that was an important point noted on page 143 by the author was, “…the federal government can try to equalize educational opportunities for all citizens.” As I read that I think the federal government should equalize educational opportunities. I feel that so many education systems are at different places based on curriculum, but especially technology. I know with the economy some schools can afford updates like other schools can, but I believe federal government should work hard in making schools equal. As a future educator, I will provide as much technology equipment beneficial towards my students. I will seek out extra help if needed.
These three sections were a great reminder for me as a future teacher. Also, I was able to realize that I will have to overcome barriers, be a leader, and emphasis equally through my school system I teach at.
The first section, “Rethinking Learning” allows me to see that I, as a future educator must rethink learning. Due to the fact that much technology wasn’t present to me in my every day education, therefore I am used to the way I have been taught. However, as a future educator I must see that learning can take place outside of the classroom. I must also encourage learning outside of the classroom, as well as within the classroom. Even more so, I must promote lifelong learning. Even though it might allow me to be “that educator in the classroom”, I still must encourage learning. In other words I will promote learning that will benefit my students throughout their whole life time.
The second section “Rethinking Educational Leadership” is important for me to do. Having the leadership about technology will make it easier because I can emphasize the integration of technology in the classroom as well as at home. I will accept and encourage my students to adapt to robust language-rich resources. As a future lower elementary teacher, where reading is important, I think using the computer to increase student’s reading skills is beneficial. As mentioned the page 141, students will learn the sight-to-sound which is very important. I will incorporate as much technology in my classroom for others to follow; I will also encourage technology outside of the classroom.
The third section “Rethinking the Role of Government in Education” is very important. One thing that I believe that was an important point noted on page 143 by the author was, “…the federal government can try to equalize educational opportunities for all citizens.” As I read that I think the federal government should equalize educational opportunities. I feel that so many education systems are at different places based on curriculum, but especially technology. I know with the economy some schools can afford updates like other schools can, but I believe federal government should work hard in making schools equal. As a future educator, I will provide as much technology equipment beneficial towards my students. I will seek out extra help if needed.
These three sections were a great reminder for me as a future teacher. Also, I was able to realize that I will have to overcome barriers, be a leader, and emphasis equally through my school system I teach at.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Podcasting Reflection
Link to contemporary issue:
Note: when you arrive at the website you will have to go to the search engine. At the search engine enter in the following title: Panel: Cell phones have much potential in classrooms.
I exerted a lot of effort in preparing for my podcast. I found a contemporary issue that related to technology and cell phone use within a middle school classroom. I read the article through and afterwards I began reflecting upon my own thoughts. After I processed through the article, I than began to write a full script of my podcast. I used garage band in order to produce a high quality podcast. I recorded my podcast multiple times before I could actually convert my podcast into a MP3 file. I made sure that I spoke professionally with few mistakes. As for the lead in and lead out music, I gathered those files off of iTunes, in which were already on my computer. I also used one sound effect that I arranged near the introduction of my podcast. I used the beginning of the song called Butterfly Kisses by Bob Carlile in order to have student’s voices while I was saying “classrooms”. I exerted as much effort in producing my podcast.
Creating a podcast allows me to explore other technology uses within my future classroom. At first I thought creating a podcast was going to be difficult, but it is something that I can promote my students to use as an assignment. Sharing my podcast with my peers allows me to know that I can seek for other’s input as a future input. In some cases, sharing your work allows you to become better and gain a different perspective. Creating and sharing a podcast impacts my future teaching because it allows me to seek input and improve in certain technology areas.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
(Rethinking Education) Chapter 9
How does this reading impact your thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning?
How this reading impacted my thinking on technology’s role on teaching and learning in through understanding. More or less, this chapter created a better connection with technology and education. When discussing what learning students take away from technology I agreed with this statement—“…problem of video games in terms of addiction and the “corruption of youth.”’ However the reason I think a statement like this is stated about technology is because of the student’s home life. I feel many parents, especially in today’s society are trying to be friends and less of a parent. Being more of a friend towards your children provokes the parents to “give in” and then before you know it the kids are playing any game they want to. Parents need to be stricter towards the relevant games and more apprehensive towards the educational games.
On to encouraging children to join online communities—isn’t that harmful? I think there are many risks presented through online communities. For example, anybody can pretend to be someone! One may think they are talking to someone of their age, but in reality it could be a 50 year old man or women they are actually talking to. Another thing I find interesting is on page 127 is the last of the first paragraph, the author states, “…leaving the teachers behind to maintain their traditional classroom practices.” That statement can be bended depending on you as the future teacher. As a teacher you can either be “that” teacher that is left behind or you can be the teacher that pursues that technology difference through incorporating new technology. As a teacher, you have to be the one who is willing to keep up with today’s needs and wants for the classroom through taking those extra classes.
What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct results of this new thinking?
As a future teacher I will allow technology into my classroom that will benefit my students. The technology will be used for educational purposes only. As a teacher, I will not promote online communities in which the students can discuss their interests. Online communities are too big of a risk to take as a teacher. I will also take those extra courses I need in order to stay up-to-date with technology and other subjects.
How this reading impacted my thinking on technology’s role on teaching and learning in through understanding. More or less, this chapter created a better connection with technology and education. When discussing what learning students take away from technology I agreed with this statement—“…problem of video games in terms of addiction and the “corruption of youth.”’ However the reason I think a statement like this is stated about technology is because of the student’s home life. I feel many parents, especially in today’s society are trying to be friends and less of a parent. Being more of a friend towards your children provokes the parents to “give in” and then before you know it the kids are playing any game they want to. Parents need to be stricter towards the relevant games and more apprehensive towards the educational games.
On to encouraging children to join online communities—isn’t that harmful? I think there are many risks presented through online communities. For example, anybody can pretend to be someone! One may think they are talking to someone of their age, but in reality it could be a 50 year old man or women they are actually talking to. Another thing I find interesting is on page 127 is the last of the first paragraph, the author states, “…leaving the teachers behind to maintain their traditional classroom practices.” That statement can be bended depending on you as the future teacher. As a teacher you can either be “that” teacher that is left behind or you can be the teacher that pursues that technology difference through incorporating new technology. As a teacher, you have to be the one who is willing to keep up with today’s needs and wants for the classroom through taking those extra classes.
What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct results of this new thinking?
As a future teacher I will allow technology into my classroom that will benefit my students. The technology will be used for educational purposes only. As a teacher, I will not promote online communities in which the students can discuss their interests. Online communities are too big of a risk to take as a teacher. I will also take those extra courses I need in order to stay up-to-date with technology and other subjects.
Ch. 10/Epilogue
How does this reading impact your thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning?
As I read this chapter and epilogue, I was able to bring what I have read in previous chapters and put the information all together. This chapter allowed my thinking about technology’s role on teaching and learning to be complete. This chapter didn’t necessarily impact my thinking a whole lot, but I was able to relate all the big shifts to change that is needed to be made by all future and present educators.
Some of the shifts that I found extra important were shifts 4, 6, 7 and 8. Shift 4 is self explanatory, the title itself—Teaching is Conversation, not lecture. As the elementary level this is definitely important, but a main area teachers or professors need to work on this shift is at the college level. Even though we are adults, I feel as if professors don’t have the need to allow our opinion through conversation such as discussion. I know from personal experiences I earn better through conversation/discussion because I am able to process that material better. The next shift, shift 6: Readers are no longer Just Readers is important because it is where the fundamentals of writing develop through a student’s reading skills. I know for me I don’t enjoy reading that much and therefore my writing skills sometimes suffer.
I liked how the author mentioned shift seven because I was able to relate. For my Education 200 class, I am required to make an online portfolio, which allows easy access. Now, shift 8: Writing is No Longer Limited to Text is a big shift that many teachers should try to incorporate into their classroom. Yes, students should engage through writing in text, but also through audios and videos. Audio and videos will also enhance the student’s social and young professional skills. Overall, this chapter allows my thinking to be more comprehensible because I was able to put all the information together.
What will do you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
As a future teacher, I will incorporate these big shifts into my classroom to the best of my ability. I will definitely focus on interacting with my students through discussion. I believe this will allow the students to understand the material well as well as me to obtain input from my students. Another thing I will definitely focus on is allow my students to expand on their writing skills through audio and video.
As I read this chapter and epilogue, I was able to bring what I have read in previous chapters and put the information all together. This chapter allowed my thinking about technology’s role on teaching and learning to be complete. This chapter didn’t necessarily impact my thinking a whole lot, but I was able to relate all the big shifts to change that is needed to be made by all future and present educators.
Some of the shifts that I found extra important were shifts 4, 6, 7 and 8. Shift 4 is self explanatory, the title itself—Teaching is Conversation, not lecture. As the elementary level this is definitely important, but a main area teachers or professors need to work on this shift is at the college level. Even though we are adults, I feel as if professors don’t have the need to allow our opinion through conversation such as discussion. I know from personal experiences I earn better through conversation/discussion because I am able to process that material better. The next shift, shift 6: Readers are no longer Just Readers is important because it is where the fundamentals of writing develop through a student’s reading skills. I know for me I don’t enjoy reading that much and therefore my writing skills sometimes suffer.
I liked how the author mentioned shift seven because I was able to relate. For my Education 200 class, I am required to make an online portfolio, which allows easy access. Now, shift 8: Writing is No Longer Limited to Text is a big shift that many teachers should try to incorporate into their classroom. Yes, students should engage through writing in text, but also through audios and videos. Audio and videos will also enhance the student’s social and young professional skills. Overall, this chapter allows my thinking to be more comprehensible because I was able to put all the information together.
What will do you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
As a future teacher, I will incorporate these big shifts into my classroom to the best of my ability. I will definitely focus on interacting with my students through discussion. I believe this will allow the students to understand the material well as well as me to obtain input from my students. Another thing I will definitely focus on is allow my students to expand on their writing skills through audio and video.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Exit Slip 11/4/10
Today in class the book chapter group presented their chapter discussion. Overall, they presented the chapter discussion very well. As a class we debriefed their discussion there were some things I took away from their debriefing. The things that I took away from their discussion were organizing groups and intertwining the compelling ideas. In the future discussion, I will look for ways to organize groups that include at least four students, but no more than that because that way there will be a “meaty” discussion. I will also use things like a Venn diagram and other ways to organize information. Also relating to this discussion, I was introduced to Scriblink. This site will be very beneficial for other future discussions.
Also, prior to debriefing I was really surprised by the article we read as a class called Experimental School Gets Rid of Classes, Teachers. Even though technology is developing schools through time, I think allowing this within the “classroom” is taking away future educators jobs. Then what is the point of us going to college to become a teacher? I just find that article interesting and hard to understand why New County did what they did.
Another thing that I took away from class today involved the helpful tips of Scratch. Most of these tips I knew of, but it is always nice to get those tips to better my iRLO. The next thing that I took away from class involved the “yes” test for my technology inquiry wiki. This allowed me to see that I have to do a lot of changes in order to meet the expectations. This class was helpful towards my homework assignments.
Also, prior to debriefing I was really surprised by the article we read as a class called Experimental School Gets Rid of Classes, Teachers. Even though technology is developing schools through time, I think allowing this within the “classroom” is taking away future educators jobs. Then what is the point of us going to college to become a teacher? I just find that article interesting and hard to understand why New County did what they did.
Another thing that I took away from class today involved the helpful tips of Scratch. Most of these tips I knew of, but it is always nice to get those tips to better my iRLO. The next thing that I took away from class involved the “yes” test for my technology inquiry wiki. This allowed me to see that I have to do a lot of changes in order to meet the expectations. This class was helpful towards my homework assignments.
Cool Tool Reflection
Link to screencast:
My screencast required a lot of effort on my part. I took a lot of time to do my SWOT analysis on Show Beyond. In preparing for my screencast, I prepared a script and highlighted the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. I double checked to make sure that I had everything to the best of my ability. I rehearsed my screencast prior to recording it and I did this several times. Once I was prepared to record my screencast, I then did multiple recordings of my screencast. I recorded my screencast on a Windows computer and a Mac computer and picked the best one. I recorded my screencast and saved it at least ten times. I tried to pick out the best recording, one that had very little mistakes.
Creating and sharing my screencast impacts my future teaching through analysis. I think as future teachers, many teachers will be hindered to many cool tools, but with my peers and me revealing so many cool tools, my future teaching will benefit from it. I know I have already viewed some other cool tools and I will be considering the use of that cool tool in the future. Also, through the SWOT analysis I was able to learn about a cool tool that I will use in my future class. Show Beyond was such a great way for students and people in general to share stories through pictures. I really enjoyed doing the SWOT analysis of Show Beyond.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Exit 10/28/10
Today in class the first thing we did was reflect on our Delicious account. The average tags for our class was 51.5 tags. I was above average, but realized that I did not tag every account I added to Delicious, so I went back and added at least three tags for each website I added. The next thing that I found very intriguing was the Elluminate tool. I thought that this was very interesting because the whole class can engage in learning, if needed. Although, we just doodled on the elluminate site, I believe this is a quick and easy way to interact with your classmates as well as a great learning tool.
The next thing that we talked about in class and that I took away from class was the podcasting assignment. I know briefly what needed to be done, but now I know that the contemporary issue has to be towards/about PK-12grade learners. This assignment seems that it will be fun because you are able to put in your own thoughts about that issue. Next, we talked about our screen casting assignment due next week, which seems it could be difficult only because using a MAC is always difficult for me. Overall, the main thinking I took away from class today was the Elluminate tool.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Ch.6 Discussion Reflection
As an individual and a group, we exerted a lot of effort in preparing for this discussion. We met two times outside of class for extended period of time. We exerted equal amount of effort, which guided us an elaboration of all our ideas. We also exerted much effort in fostering past discussions. We focused on the positive things we must include and geared away from the negative things that we should not include. Through preparing for our chapter discussion, we also took time to rehearse what we wanted to say, which also allowed us to practice what we wanted to say.
The value of facilitating course content for my peers is important because it allows the students to express their knowledge and elaborate on certain information he or she obtained from the readings. I also think it is important to facilitate course content because sometimes, students are able to relate to someone who has to do similar experiences such as a chapter discussion. Overall, I think the main value of facilitating course content to my peers in the discussion. When discussing issues, students are able to further their knowledge on that specific topic.
Discussing course content with my peers impacts my future teaching in several ways because it shows me how I should teach and how I should not teach, also, to incorporate everyone’s needs into my classroom. Some things that I obtained through our discussion debriefing are using my teacher voice and filtering out filler words. I know that I try real hard to not use filler words, but it is hard to adapt to proper wording. A second thing that I would keep in mind for further discussion and my further classroom is considering different ways to share out, such as jigsaw. Having jigsaw groupings will allow me to expand each student’s thinking within different groups. I believe a jigsaw grouping with allow the students to incorporate their own personal side to each discussion, rather than just one discussion about one topic. Another thing that I would consider is to provide a summary of the discussion and/or lesson. Providing a summary will be an effective way to allow the students to know that the discussion or lesson is coming to an end. These are all future tips I will take into consideration for my future teaching.
Even though I enjoyed presenting discussion for chapter six, I am very thankful that it is over with. Doing a chapter discussion by promoting the discussion helped me to retain a lot more information that will be beneficial and important to know. I think the main thing that I will keep in mind for my future classroom is organization and preparation. As a group we did a lot of preparing and tried to organize discussion as much as possible. With preparation and organization a classroom will be more structured and the teacher (me) will be able to format a proper lesson and/or discussion.
Chapter 8: New Schools Cope with the New Technologies
How does this reading impact your thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning?
This reading impacted my thinking on technology’s role in teaching and learning by emphasizing what computer use can do for assessment, and with that the credentials students can take at any age. As I read the beginning of this chapter, three terms were defined, customization, interaction, and learner control. As the author defined each of these terms, I thought differently than how the term interaction was defined. Interaction is supportive towards the students due to the immediate feedback because of a computer. However, if teachers took more time to do what they are suppose to do which is teach as well as help, than the student would receive that immediate feedback. Now, I am not saying that computers are wrong in engaging students in their learning, but sometimes I feel as if teachers are not given enough credit when feedback is given. Interaction should not just be related to technology, but also teachers.
As I read the section on performance-based assessment, I was amazed by what researchers want to pursue for performance-based assessment. The national credentials is an idea that I came more and more against while I read on it. I like the idea that these credentials would “certify a learner’s expertise with respect to specific skills” as the author mentioned on page 114. However, I believe that the education system we have now, students go to school and learn the curriculum created by that school district is just fine. I know the researchers are trying to get education more on specific skills to prepare the students early on like of their occupation in life, but I would believe many students would miss out on opportunities. Now that I think of it, I really do like the idea that students can pursue their own specific skills, but what about the skills that all humans need to know. An example, if a student wanted to be a science professor, he or she would miss out on the general education because they would be focusing on that credential relating to their future occupation. That does not make sense to me.
Later on in the chapter, the author mentions computer-based testing. I agree that computer-based testing will capture more knowledge because so much is available through a computer. I also know that computer-based testing has higher scores than paper-based testing. As I read this chapter, I agreed with things, but I also disagreed with things. I am so use to the traditional style that in time I will adapt to national credentials and other things that I am unfamiliar with.
As I read the section on performance-based assessment, I was amazed by what researchers want to pursue for performance-based assessment. The national credentials is an idea that I came more and more against while I read on it. I like the idea that these credentials would “certify a learner’s expertise with respect to specific skills” as the author mentioned on page 114. However, I believe that the education system we have now, students go to school and learn the curriculum created by that school district is just fine. I know the researchers are trying to get education more on specific skills to prepare the students early on like of their occupation in life, but I would believe many students would miss out on opportunities. Now that I think of it, I really do like the idea that students can pursue their own specific skills, but what about the skills that all humans need to know. An example, if a student wanted to be a science professor, he or she would miss out on the general education because they would be focusing on that credential relating to their future occupation. That does not make sense to me.
Later on in the chapter, the author mentions computer-based testing. I agree that computer-based testing will capture more knowledge because so much is available through a computer. I also know that computer-based testing has higher scores than paper-based testing. As I read this chapter, I agreed with things, but I also disagreed with things. I am so use to the traditional style that in time I will adapt to national credentials and other things that I am unfamiliar with.
What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
As a future teacher, one thing that I would try to do differently as a direct result of this new thinking is allow my students to get that chance to take computer-based testing/assessments. I believe that their scores will be higher than paper-based testing. As for national credentials, I will allow my students to do as they want. I cannot control what they do outside of the classroom, so if they wanted to take more credentials related to their future job, the more power to them. I think the national credentials will be most appropriate at the high school age or not “any age”. Another new thinking that I will apply to my classroom is looking for variety of different performance assessments. I think that giving tests does not always show performance to the best extent because some students just simply dislike test taking. So, I will try to incorporate projects, presentations, and tests in my classroom to meet everyone’s level of performance.
As a future teacher, one thing that I would try to do differently as a direct result of this new thinking is allow my students to get that chance to take computer-based testing/assessments. I believe that their scores will be higher than paper-based testing. As for national credentials, I will allow my students to do as they want. I cannot control what they do outside of the classroom, so if they wanted to take more credentials related to their future job, the more power to them. I think the national credentials will be most appropriate at the high school age or not “any age”. Another new thinking that I will apply to my classroom is looking for variety of different performance assessments. I think that giving tests does not always show performance to the best extent because some students just simply dislike test taking. So, I will try to incorporate projects, presentations, and tests in my classroom to meet everyone’s level of performance.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Ch.9: Social Networking
How does this reading impact your thinking about technology's role in teaching and learning?
How this reading impacts my thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning is this chapter allowed me to rethink social networking within the classroom. Prior to this reading this chapter I heard of Facebook, but never heard of Ning. First off, I think Facebook is a great way to stay connected with family and friends, especially after high school. However, the more I think about it, I could easily stay connected through a phone call every once in awhile, or I could have easily stayed connected given their email address. Second off, as I mentioned in previous blogs, Facebook is too addicting and is a huge distraction. Like the author mentioned in the chapter, Facebook is blocked in many schools if not all. I know the schools I attended have Facebook blocked. Also, the schools I do practicum at have Facebook blocked as well. The authors guess on page 133—“…about 90 percent of public schools block it and would rather it didn’t exist” is very appealing to me. I would agree with his guess of about 90 percent, but at the same time I would if teachers just say that. For instance, at my high school Facebook was blocked and so many teachers insisted it was a waste of time and they were against Facebook. However, as I look back, many of those teachers who stated similar disliking towards Facebook now have their own account. Their account on Facebook is for connections between family and friends and not for academic reasons.
Now, what I find most appealing in this chapter is the fact that some teachers have integrated Facebook into their classroom! I have not heard of any teacher doing this before prior to reading the chapter. At the middle school or high school level, I think this is a great way to get the students involved more because “it’s Facebook.” However, my only concern is for the elementary levels, typically students in K-5 grade do not have an account or at least I would hope not! The example given on page 137 about Jim Meredith makes me think—“what’s the difference between blogs?” As I read this example, I thought to myself that this could have easily been done through a bloggers account for the class. However, I think the reason the teacher choose Facebook was because of the fact it was Facebook.
As for Ning, I am still a little unfamiliar of this tool after reading the chapter. However, as I read about the examples of Ning being used in the classroom it seemed these examples had more educational and enhanced learning behind them. For example, professionals of that certain topic are able to get involved, whereas for Facebook, the examples given didn’t explain of any well-known people being involved within their class discussion. I feel Ning would create a better surrounding for students because the students are able to learn more about that particular topic.
What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
As a future teacher, one thing that I would do differently as a direct result of this new thinking is not to incorporate Facebook into my classroom. My future classroom will consist of students at the first, second or third grade level, so I would think Facebook would not be beneficial towards them. Instead, I will try to incorporate different social networking tools such as wiki for the students to reflect of their work. Using a wiki will also be a good way for students to create a discussion panel if needed. As for Ning, I am not sure if I will incorporate that into my classroom. I like the fact that professionals can be involved and that would be a great way for my students to understand better, but again, at the young elementary levels some of the student’s reading skills won’t be as advanced. As for now, I will consider a variety of teaching tools, but I don’t think Facebook and Ning are one them.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
iRLO Reflection
How much effort did you exert designing and creating the iRLO?
In designing and creating my iRLO, I exerted a sufficient amount of effort. I took time to draw out my ideas on a piece of paper prior to using Scratch. In fact, I drew out three different rooms, so I knew how I wanted to create them. I also wrote down all the sprites I needed. Prior to getting help by my professor, I dedicated much of my weekend in trying to figure out how to work Scratch. I used the examples on Scratch to understand how to make my Sprite move by using the arrow keys. I also watched the tutorials online to help me succeed in certain features when using Scratch. After I could no longer figure out how to do anything, I sought help from my professor. In designing my iRLO, I made everything except for “friend” and I edited “room1”, other than that I created everything on my own. After I designed and created my iRLO, I had my friends test it, so I could make any changes needed. I exerted as much effort as I could in designing and creating my iRLO.
How does designing and sharing an iRLO impact your future teaching?
How designing my iRLO impacts my future teaching is by knowing what is suitable for my intended grade level. When I was designing it, I tried to make everything that was suitable for a second grade level. After I thought that everything was suitable for a second grader, I allowed my friends to test my iRLO. Having my friends test my iRLO allowed me to see that not everything is suitable for the second grade level. If my friends could not figure it out, I knew that my directions were not clear enough, so I then added more directions to help them understand. When designing my iRLO I realized that being specific and clear as possible when creating an iRLO will benefit the students in a big way. As a future teacher, I will try my hardest to incorporate specific and clear directions so my students can understand them.
How sharing my iRLO impacts my future teaching is by knowing that sharing your work may be the best policy as a teacher. When you share it with others you are allowed to get constructive feedback that will more than likely make my work, in this case my iRLO, better. Sharing my work also allowed me to gain a better understanding of other’s thinking, which can be used to make my iRLO better.
IWB Reflection
How much effort did you exert designing the lesson?
As I designed my Interactive White Board I exerted a lot of effort into designing my lesson. My lesson required prior thinking, meaning that I had to think of what I would actually teach before providing my lesson. I decided that my IWB wasn’t actually a lesson, but an IWB that would enhance the student’s learning from a lesson prior to the IWB. I made sure there were few errors and always double checked to make sure everything was where it was suppose to bed. I also accepted my constructive feedback from peers and will make adjustments to better my IWB. Another thing that I did prior to submitting my “work in progress” IWB, I made sure that I had the right Wisconsin Standard and made sure it was suitable for second grade.
I spent a lot of hours in making my IWB to the best of my ability. Even though I did not know how to work a lot of the Smart Board features, I took time to explore certain features obtaining to my IWB. I also looked on Smart Exchange to further my ideas for my Interactive White Board. I believe I exerted a lot of effort in designing my IWB.
I spent a lot of hours in making my IWB to the best of my ability. Even though I did not know how to work a lot of the Smart Board features, I took time to explore certain features obtaining to my IWB. I also looked on Smart Exchange to further my ideas for my Interactive White Board. I believe I exerted a lot of effort in designing my IWB.
How does designing and sharing your IWB lesson impact your future teaching?
Designing my own IWB lesson impacts my future teaching by allowing me to be more aware of the Smart Board features. By getting a head start with the IWB if you will, will allow me to be more prepared for my future lessons that are interactive with the white board. It also allowed me to see that it does require time. As a future teacher, I would hope it would only take an hour to prepare an IWB for my future students due to all the prior practice I had.
Sharing my IWB lesson also impacted my future teaching. Sharing my IWB allowed me to see that having others review my work will allow me to make better changes in bettering that specific lesson. Sharing my lesson also allowed others to obtain ideas from my IWB. Also through sharing my lesson, I was able to obtain advice which helped me not only correct mistakes, but made my IWB friendlier for second graders. In reviewing my peers work, I was also able to gain ideas that I could use for the future if needed. Overall, designing and sharing my IWB lesson impacted my future teaching for the best.
Ch. 7 (Rethinking Education) What May be Lost and What May be LGained
How does this reading impact your thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning?
How this reading impacts my thinking on technology’s role in learning and teaching is the chapter makes be rethink technology, again. As I read this chapter, I again, became more against technology use within the classroom and the fact of how fast technology is evolving.
On page 107, one statement that I agreed with is when the author asked, “…will people become more isolated, sitting at home in front of a computer and interacting less with other people socially?” I find this question to have a straight forward answer. I know of several people who sit at home and chat online, whether it’s through Facebook, MySpace or Skype, and lack lives’ social skills. Some may say they are developing social skills using Skype because they can actually see the person perhaps, but I don’t think they are developing the correct social skills. What they are developing in online social skills, not lives’ social skills. Lives’ social skills include that face to face confrontation. I say this because the people I know that do this are some of my cousins. And let me tell you, they have no life social skills. When confronted with other they make a quick reply and quickly relieve themselves from that particular conversation. Now, I am not saying that all people are like this, but I feel technology uses like this are not beneficial for developing life social skills. Even though I can blankly answer that question with my own personal experiences, I also agree what the author states later on in the chapter.
On page 107, one statement that I agreed with is when the author asked, “…will people become more isolated, sitting at home in front of a computer and interacting less with other people socially?” I find this question to have a straight forward answer. I know of several people who sit at home and chat online, whether it’s through Facebook, MySpace or Skype, and lack lives’ social skills. Some may say they are developing social skills using Skype because they can actually see the person perhaps, but I don’t think they are developing the correct social skills. What they are developing in online social skills, not lives’ social skills. Lives’ social skills include that face to face confrontation. I say this because the people I know that do this are some of my cousins. And let me tell you, they have no life social skills. When confronted with other they make a quick reply and quickly relieve themselves from that particular conversation. Now, I am not saying that all people are like this, but I feel technology uses like this are not beneficial for developing life social skills. Even though I can blankly answer that question with my own personal experiences, I also agree what the author states later on in the chapter.
Later on in the chapter, the author states that technology is a great way to engage the students within an education setting. I agree with that as well. However, some technology can engage students for the wrong reason, which would counterfeit from their learning, but typically technology can engage the students in more enhance learning. It is important to keep technology in mind and also know how to correctly incorporate technology within your classroom.
What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
As a direct result to this new thinking, I will encourage my students not to invest their time in online chat rooms. Although, I can only do that much and cannot control their actions outside of the classroom, I will incorporate ways to develop social skills within the classroom. As to what those ways are, I am not sure, but will create them depending on my future students. Also, as a future teacher, I will incorporate as much technology as possible. When I incorporate suitable technology tools, I will make sure that the students are properly engaging in that technology. If the students are not engaging in active learning properly, I will make changes that will benefit them.
Ch.8: Podcasting, Screencasting, and Live Screening
How does this reading impact your thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning?
How this reading impacts my thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning is by expressing more technology use for the classroom. As I read this chapter, I became more aware of podcasting, Screencasting and live streaming; I have heard of these uses before, but I never actually knew what they were. I think podcasting, Screencasting and live streaming definitely impacts technology’s role in student’s learning. Using these three technology tools are very beneficial for students who are a more visual/hands-on student.
Each of these technology uses provides that extra alternative for students to take in account. Out of these three, I think the one most useful for a teacher to promote learning as well as their own teaching is Screencasting. Due to many new technology uses that are coming in the classroom, students will need that extra guidance in learning how to facilitate a certain site. When I think of Screencasting, I think of the tool I used for my iRLO-scratch. Scratch is a great program for students to use, especially at the upper elementary level, but Scratch can also be very difficult for students to operate. However, if I promoted Scratch within my future classroom, I could show a “demonstration” of how to do certain things through Screencasting. Screencasting is a great way for students to follow along. I believe that students will be able to engage in a site or selected program when they know how to navigate it.
Out of the other two technology uses, podcasting and live streaming, I think the on that would be most beneficial for students is podcasting. The reason I think podcasting is beneficial for students is because of the exact same reasons/examples listed on page 116-117. I especially liked the examples given for a history class such as, “oral histories, interviews, or reenactments of historical events.” I know for me history was my least favorite subject because it was so difficult to understand and keep track of the important dates. However, with podcasting students will be able to reenact important things that happened in history, which will allow the students to engage and remember more important information. Each of these technology uses listed in this chapter were my favorite. Each of them will be beneficial towards my teaching and my future student’s learning.
What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
Due to a direct result of this new thinking, as a future teacher, I will incorporate Podcasts, Screencasting and live streaming into my classroom. Well, that is, I hope to. Before actually incorporating these into my classroom, I would “test” them out first before introducing them to my students. The two that I would use most, I believe, are Screencasting and podcasts. Each of these tools will allow my students to get a better understanding of any particular subject.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Chapter six discussion reflection
As an individual and a group, we exerted a lot of effort in preparing for this discussion. We met two times outside of class for extended period of time. We exerted equal amount of effort, which guided us an elaboration of all our ideas. We also exerted much effort in fostering past discussions. We focused on the positive things we must include and geared away from the negative things that we should not include. Through preparing for our chapter discussion, we also took time to rehearse what we wanted to say, which also allowed us to practice what we wanted to say.
The value of facilitating course content for my peers is important because it allows the students to express their knowledge and elaborate on certain information he or she obtained from the readings. I also think it is important to facilitate course content because sometimes, students are able to relate to someone who has to do similar experiences such as a chapter discussion. Overall, I think the main value of facilitating course content to my peers in the discussion. When discussing issues, students are able to further their knowledge on that specific topic.
Discussing course content with my peers impacts my future teaching in several ways because it shows me how I should teach and how I should not teach, also, to incorporate everyone’s needs into my classroom. Some things that I obtained through our discussion debriefing are using my teacher voice and filtering out filler words. I know that I try real hard to not use filler words, but it is hard to adapt to proper wording. A second thing that I would keep in mind for further discussion and my further classroom is considering different ways to share out, such as jigsaw. Having jigsaw groupings will allow me to expand each student’s thinking within different groups. I believe a jigsaw grouping with allow the students to incorporate their own personal side to each discussion, rather than just one discussion about one topic. Another thing that I would consider is to provide a summary of the discussion and/or lesson. Providing a summary will be an effective way to allow the students to know that the discussion or lesson is coming to an end. These are all future tips I will take into consideration for my future teaching.
Even though I enjoyed presenting discussion for chapter six, I am very thankful that it is over with. Doing a chapter discussion by promoting the discussion helped me to retain a lot more information that will be beneficial and important to know. I think the main thing that I will keep in mind for my future classroom is organization and preparation. As a group we did a lot of preparing and tried to organize discussion as much as possible. With preparation and organization a classroom will be more structured and the teacher (me) will be able to format a proper lesson and/or discussion.
Exit Slip 10/21/10
Some things that I took away from class today included our debriefing of Chapter six discussion. In my further discussion I will keep in mind to have a teacher voice as well as filtering out filler words. A second thing that I would keep in mind for further discussion is considering different ways to share out, such as jigsaw. Having jigsaw grouping will also allow us to to expand our thinking within different groups. Another thing that I would consider is to provide a summary of the discussion. Providing a summary will be an effective way to allow the students to know that the discussion is coming to an end.
Some other things that I took away from class included tips and tricks about the SmartBoard. The tips and tricks shared were very helpful. The tip that was the most benefiticial is knowing how to lock items within a SmartBoard lesson. When preparing my SmartBoard lesson, I became very frustrated that items were not locking, but now I know how to lock the items. A trick that I learned and thought was beneficial was knowing how to clone items to the infinite level. This trick will save me time in cloning myself. The tips and tricks presented in class were very helpful and good tips for the SmartBoard. Another thing that I learned about using SmartBoard is refering to color and text. Sometimes I forget about the color and size of text because most of the time it appears to be the right size on the computer I am using. I now know to keep the size and color of text in mind because the screens can vary in brightness.
During this class, I gained a better insight on how to make my future discussions better as well as understanding more tips and tricks obtaining to the SmartBoard
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Exit slip 10/14/10
New thinking that I took away from class involved the Smart Board. We had to sign in my writing our name in the box and then dragging it into another area. What I learned was that you have to write your name first, put the writing tool back in its place, and then click on your name and drag it. I also learned that once one person writes something on the Smart Board, it becomes an object that one is capable of dragging. The second new thinking that was brought to my attention is the iPad. I have heard of the iPad, but I had no idea what it looked liked. I thought that it was something similar to iPods, but the device is big!
Another new thinking that I took away from class today was when preparing for chapter discussion. I found that it is important to prepare groups prior to the class discussion. However, when preparing groups, it is also an important part to specify group locations within the class. Also, when it comes to preparing for chapter discussion, it is especially beneficial to “walk” the student’s through where to find presentation. The last new thinking that I took away from class today involves SCRATCH. I learned multiple things which will guide me in my iRLO. I think the main key thing to take away from beginning SCRATCH is to make all the sprites and objected needed for my iRLO. I learned that it will be more beneficial than making the sprites in the middle of making my iRLO.
Another new thinking that I took away from class today was when preparing for chapter discussion. I found that it is important to prepare groups prior to the class discussion. However, when preparing groups, it is also an important part to specify group locations within the class. Also, when it comes to preparing for chapter discussion, it is especially beneficial to “walk” the student’s through where to find presentation. The last new thinking that I took away from class today involves SCRATCH. I learned multiple things which will guide me in my iRLO. I think the main key thing to take away from beginning SCRATCH is to make all the sprites and objected needed for my iRLO. I learned that it will be more beneficial than making the sprites in the middle of making my iRLO.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Chapter 6: Three Eras of Education
1. How does this reading impact your thinking about technology's role in teaching and learning?
My thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning did not alter. As I read this chapter, I was more educated on the three different eras rather than the enhancement of technology’s role. However on page 93 the author mentions this: “although high schools offer some choices, technology makes it easier for teens to pursue their individual passions on their own.” As I read that statement, I found myself agreeing that it. I know within high schools there are only so many course offered. For example, my high school offered a foreign language, Spanish, but that was the only foreign language offered. So, if there was student that wanted to learn German, he or she could not, so relying on technology would be more beneficial. To back up this statement is also a statement found on the following page (p.94). The statement says “they often reject what school has to offer, choosing to pursue instead whatever interests them or what they think is necessary to advance in their careers.” It is true! If a teen is looking to pursue more is fine arts, he or she will look to online resources.
My thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning did not alter. As I read this chapter, I was more educated on the three different eras rather than the enhancement of technology’s role. However on page 93 the author mentions this: “although high schools offer some choices, technology makes it easier for teens to pursue their individual passions on their own.” As I read that statement, I found myself agreeing that it. I know within high schools there are only so many course offered. For example, my high school offered a foreign language, Spanish, but that was the only foreign language offered. So, if there was student that wanted to learn German, he or she could not, so relying on technology would be more beneficial. To back up this statement is also a statement found on the following page (p.94). The statement says “they often reject what school has to offer, choosing to pursue instead whatever interests them or what they think is necessary to advance in their careers.” It is true! If a teen is looking to pursue more is fine arts, he or she will look to online resources.
An idea that furthered my thinking about technology’s role is under the section of Pedagogy: From Apprenticeship to Didacticism to Interaction. Within this section the author talks about computer tutors or a game on the web. As I read this section, I was immediately reminded of the iRLO we have to do for class. I think games on the web and computer tutors help guide the students in helpful gestures. To me, that is no different than provide helpful gestures (on an assignment) as a teacher. Providing positive feedback, whether it is me as the teacher or the computer tutor will enhance the student’s learning.
2. What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
As a future teacher I will allow educational web games that aide in positive feedback for the student’s learning. I will even make my own iRLOs that obtain to the lesson, so that way the students can express their mistakes better because he or she is not just hearing them from me, the teacher. Also, as a future teacher I will provide alternative assessment. I know standardized testing can super overwhelming, but I will provide other ways to enhance their study skills. I know when I take any sort of test, whether it is a standardized test or not, I freak out! I am not a big fan of tests, but I would rather do projects obtaining to the information. So, within my classroom I will have a lot of interactive assessments for my student to take in hopes of calming their nerves. However, at the same time these assessments will increase their learning ability.
Chapter 7: Flickr
1. How does this reading impact your thinking about technology's role in teaching and learning?
This reading expanded my thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning. Prior to this reading I did not know what Flickr was. After reading this chapter, I was persuaded to make my own account of Flickr. However, I choose not to because it is more “work” that I have to do for another account and besides I probably would fail to remember my password. What I found interesting upon reading about Flickr is how educational publishing and using images online can be. Technology can be something educators drive away from using, due to the online connection it may require. For instance, online blogging, Twitter, Facebook, etc. because those online social networking areas require limited privacy. However Flickr can be altered to meet the needs of privacy or making it “public”. Having a classroom of students to interact with Flickr will be beneficial because the students can have privacy within that classroom. Typically, publishing pictures online makes parents and teacher weary, but with Flickr only a selection of people can view the photos. I think that is great because it keeps the student’s identity safe.
Not only did I expand my thinking about technology by reading about Flickr, but I also deepened my understanding by knowing what one can do with Flickr besides just uploading images. The ideas that were presented in the book such as magazine covers, movie posters, photo field trips, “Make it mine”, etc were very interesting to me. I think using Flickr for a variety of different reason helps make the classroom diverse with its technology.
2. What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
As a future teacher, I will integrate Flickr within my classroom. Of all the chapters I have read, I really enjoyed learning about Flickr. A lot of the other technology that I read about made me think it was inappropriate for the grade level I wish to teach. However, I think Flickr will engage my students in understanding certain tools within the web. I would create one profile in which all the students will be able to access. At first I would introduce Flickr and show my students what it is and have them get used to it. After that I would introduce them in a “project”. I think a movie poster would be awesome at the second grade level. I would have them make a movie poster of themselves or their family. I think having a project that involves creativity will get them use to the tools they can use on Flickr. I would consider holding off on using Flickr as a place to blog, if you will, only because I believe the students will enjoy making their own movie poster. When using Flickr I would slowly introduce how to comment on other student’s pictures, but it would not be until the students are familiar with Flickr.
Chapter 5: The Seeds of a New System of Education
1. How does this reading impact your thinking about technology's role in teaching and learning?
As I read this chapter, the first couple of sentences were reassuring towards my thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning. Through reading a variety of articles based upon technology within the classroom, some authors indicate that technology will “devour” schools and before we know it, we will be attending to the computer at home. However, as I read this chapter, I became less worried about that statement. On page 68, the author states that technology fits much more comfortably into the home environment, however, I would have to argue with that. Yes, I believe that technology settles better in the home, but I think it depends on what kind of technology. For example, computers are “home-friendly”, where home schooled students could access resources. However, the use of a Smart Board would be less likely because the Smart Board would have to be installed separately. I’m not saying that Smart Boards are not possible within the home setting, but it would be very difficult to arrange that setting.
Technology’s role in learning in the workforce is very beneficial. As I read this section within the chapter, my thinking was deepened. Examples that were given in the book such as, Motorola, Accenture and Xerox allowed me to see that having multiple steps in re-educating employees is beneficial. I know several people in the workforce who continually take online classes to deepen their understanding about their own position. To correlate with online classes is the understanding of distance education. Prior to reading this chapter, I knew very little about distance education. Now, I realize how well developed it is. Personally, I would think that online classes would be difficult to comprehend things and there would be a lot of reading. For me, I am a hands-on person, so I do not think distance education is beneficial for me. However, some distance education I would have to be used to is D2L or summer session courses, which are hybrid courses (in my mind distance education).
Another aspect of this chapter that I thought was beneficial for my thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning is the understanding of learning centers. I have heard of Sylvan, but other than that I do not know much about learning centers. While I was reading this section, the author mentions that these centers primarily focus on national tests. As I read that, I began to think that having learning centers obtaining to the Praxis tests would be very beneficial! I also see learning centers that can be develop throughout the nation. For me, I believe that learning centers can be develop within one society and does not have to be nation-wide. For example, I know on campus there is a study session for the Praxis II—to me that is a learning center, but typically just within the campus. Another section within the chapter that impacted my thinking was the section on television and videos. I agree there are certain television shows as well as movies that show adult secrets, but then again it is no different than bringing your child/student into a public place.
2. What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
As a future teacher, I will try to provide learning centers. My learning center may not be nation wide like Sylvan, Thompson, Princeton Review, etc., but it will focus on the student’s needs within the school I am teaching at. My learning center would be an after school program that would a way for students to learn in a different manner. Also contrary to what Neil Postman says about videos and television, I will show proper videos within my classroom. I think showing educational videos allows the students to adapt to his or her thinking. Along with that I will allow my students to have access to computer-based learning software. I know there is a CD-ROM: Oregon Trail that is very beneficial to a student’s learning. Allowing the students to have access to these items will enhance my student’s learning.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Ch. 6 of Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts (pp. 85-100) The Social Web
How does this reading impact your thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning?
As I read this chapter, I was surprised to know that Twitter is commonly used within the classroom setting. I learned that technology’s role in teaching and learning, such as Twitter and social bookmarking do benefit students. Prior to this reading, I related Twitter to Facebook. I have my own Facebook account and personally, I do not like Facebook—it is too addicting. Facebook gets in the way of doing things, especially homework. However, I do not have a Twitter account. My reasoning for not having a Twitter account is one, because I already have Facebook to keep in touch with the family and friends around the world. Two, it would be too time consuming and by that I mean too addicting. And three, it would get in the way of tasks that need to be completed. Now, after reading this chapter, I understand that Twitter does not have to be just about social networking with family and friends, but can engage one in resources.
When reading about social bookmarking, I became even more familiar with it. Seeing that I have my own Delicious account, I believe I am able to grasp a better understanding on social bookmarking. Having my own Delicious account has been very beneficial for me. However, obtaining another social bookmarking page may get confusing because Diigo has different components than Delicious does.
What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
As a future teacher, I will try to incorporate Twitter into my classroom. However, I will incorporate it in with a twist. I will not allow my students to have their own account, seeing that I wish to be an educator at the first and second grade level, but I will allow my student’s parents or guardians to access Twitter. I will use Twitter as a resource tool for the parents by including what we did in class each day, what assignments are due, when spelling tests will be and multiple other things. As a future educator, I believe that communication with the parents is important so that way the teacher, student and parent(s) are on the same page.
As for the social bookmarking, I will continue to use my Delicious account now. Although I will have an account, my students will not. I do not expect my students to properly engage in that because of their young age, nor do I expect them to be needing resources off the Internet for homework assignments. I will instead, use my Delicious account to access certain resources and then I will print them out and give them to my students.As a future teacher, I will try to incorporate Twitter into my classroom. However, I will incorporate it in with a twist. I will not allow my students to have their own account, seeing that I wish to be an educator at the first and second grade level, but I will allow my student’s parents or guardians to access Twitter. I will use Twitter as a resource tool for the parents by including what we did in class each day, what assignments are due, when spelling tests will be and multiple other things. As a future educator, I believe that communication with the parents is important so that way the teacher, student and parent(s) are on the same page.
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