For my technology inquiry wiki, I exerted a lot of effort in making sure I developed my own wiki page to the best of my ability. I spent multiple hours on creating my own wiki page. In those hours I made sure that I was presenting myself in a professional manner through the proper use of grammar as well as making sure I passed the “yes test”.
The value of completing this assignment was very beneficial. Even though this assignment required a lot of effort and work, I was able to learn a lot from doing this assignment. Through this assignment I was able to have a better understanding of how to operate my own wiki. I was even granted the opportunity to learn more about wikis due to the fact that my inquiry question was related to wikis and the classroom. Through researching my inquiry question, I came upon many ways to use a wiki in my future classroom. Throughout this class, I always wondered how all this technology could play out in the lower elementary grades, especially wikis. However, through my research I was able to determine multiple ways of including wikis in lower elementary grades. All in all the value of completing this course task allowed me to understand multiple ways in incorporating wikis into my future classrooms.
Completing this task impacts my future, but more specifically my student's future. Prior to this assignment I wasnt going to incorporate wikis into my classrooms mainly because I did not know how to use a wiki. However, my views on wikis were completely altered do the research I conducted. Now, my students will have the opportunity to explore a classroom wiki and even more technology that I have learned through out this course.
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