Monday, September 6, 2010

Digital Autobiography

How much effort did you exert on this task?
I put forth a lot of effort in completing my digital autobiography. I tried each website that was offered for this task. I also completed two different digital autobiographies; one on PhotoShow and the other one of Vuvox. I thought making two different digital autobiographies would allow me to recognize the “weakness” in the one another. While making my digital autobiography, I made sure all the words were spelled correctly, the tempo of each picture was at the correct speed and each picture was in the correct order. I previewed my PhotoShow (digital autobiography) several times to make sure everything was just right. I thought previewing it would allow me to locate the mistakes I made along the way. I took a lot of time making sure my digital autobiography was the best it could be. Due to certain website options, I was not able to advance in certain things such as style of text, stickers, bubbles, etc. because I would have to purchase it. However, with what I was given, I believe I exceeded beyond my expectations.

What is the value in completing this course task?
The value in completing this course task is relevant to my classmates. This task allows my classmates to become more like co-workers. He or she will be able to know more about me. Completing this task is important for the growth of friendships in the class. It is important that friendships are built throughout the class because this resembles working with other teachers in the teaching profession. Building friendships with my classmates, by viewing their autobiography, will allow me to work with him or her better because I know a little more about him or her.

How does completing this course task impact your future teaching?
Completing this task has a slight impact on my future teaching. The reason I say this task had a slight impact on my future teaching is because of the technology reasons. On each website given to use, there was multiple tools one can use to improve their digital autobiography. However, I was not able to obtain “more tools” to improve my autobiography without making a purchase. This makes me realize, as a future teacher, that I will have to work with what I have and make the best of it. This also has an impact on my future teaching because it makes me realize that I will have to gain a better understanding on all sorts of technology, such as Smart Board. Each day there is a new upbringing of technology that will allow students in the classroom to engage in active learning; as a future teacher, it is my job to understand that new technology.

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