Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ch. 5: RSS

1. How does this reading impact your thinking about technology's role in teaching and learning?
 How this reading impacts my thinking about technology’s role is the reading expanded my own knowledge. This reading did not question my thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning, the reading allowed me to be more aware of new technological uses. Before this reading I never heard about Really Simple Syndication (RSS), therefore this information I obtained is new, but intriguing towards my thinking.
After reading this chapter, I am quite amazed by a service available 24/7. Yes, there are multiple websites available 24/7, but I am amazed by the service RSS does for you, it retrieves information for you. I believe RSS will benefit me in the future. In the future, I will have to prepare multiple lesson plans and I, personally, like to work ahead and always be prepared. I can imagine myself in the classroom teaching one lesson and when the day is over, I can come on aggregator and locate my precise information that I requested or subscribed to. This, in the long run will allow me to be a head because I don’t have to waste the extra time seeking ideas—the computer will do it for me! Even as a student myself, I dread looking up information directed towards one typical subject, but now I will know that there is a device if you will, that does the work for me.
Through RSS one must take the extra precaution of making sure the information has a credible author. What struck me in this chapter is on page 74, where the author of this book indicates that he tends to depend on bloggers in this case, that use their full name. Being an author of any blog, I would not even recommend putting your full name (as indicated in our Education class as well). Personally, I would also tend to trust a person with a full name on a blog, but I am just concerned about their confidentiality. Another unique thing about RSS is that when you subscribe something, typically, you are able to receive constant information which will benefit anyone, especially teachers. Being able to receive constant information is something that technology seems to lack. Yes, one can practically receive information by clicking something, but when you need to add a new software that require five to ten minutes of downloading; whereas, RSS retrieves that information immediately for you.

2. What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
As a future teacher, I will follow the steps throughout the chapter I read and go about making my own RSS and aggregator. In the future, I want to teach at the lower elementary level, preferably second grade, so incorporating RSS into my life will be very beneficial. At the lower elementary level, all the teachers are very busy and always have to be on their toes. Sometimes teachers have to take a couple minutes to think of another activity to do with their students on a certain subject, but if I have RSS and subscribe to multiple blogs, articles, etc. about all subjects I teach, I will have optional activities or lesson plans at the click of a button.
Although, I as a future teacher will adapt to using RSS, I am not sure if I will incorporate RSS into my classroom as a whole. First off, as I read this chapter I had to reread some sections because they did not make sense to me. I know that my second grade students will not be reading this exact same text, but I as the teacher will have to aide them in the understanding of RSS, but how can I if I do not fully understand RSS. Secondly, second graders do not have much research to engage themselves in; I am not making a generalization, just indicating my own personal thought. Again, I am unsure how to incorporate this technology tool in the second grade classroom, but for upper elementary grades this would be a great aide for those students. Those in fourth, fifth, sixth and so forth, RSS will guide them in helpful researches. It is important to note that those students should take special precaution on credibility of all resources while using RSS.
      Again, I am stricken with the grade level and I believe RSS would benefit those at the higher elementary level and beyond. At the lower elementary level, students are still developing academic skills, so they would not be able to benefit from using RSS.

Exit Slip 9/30/10

New thinking that I took away from class today included understanding and rethinking about technology. Specifically during the chapter discussion, when the closing question was asked about whether or not if I am teaching and facilitating. That question was new understanding that I took away from the discussion, in which I will keep on asking myself that. The second thing that I took away from class is incorporating student to student discussion. Instead of having teacher, student, teacher discussion, it will benefit students to build off of each other’s opinions. The next thing I took away from class was how to build if you will my interactive whiteboard lesson. Through receiving this homework for the A contract; I was also informed how to use the image gallery on SMART notebook, which will definitely benefit me in the future. I also took away that it is acceptable to use the idea of other teacher’s lesson, but their content. I was always hesitant to borrow other teacher’s lesson on the internet, but now I know it is okay to “beg, borrow and steal.” However, it is important to give credit to the creator. This class was very exciting because soon I will be creating my own interactive whiteboard lesson.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rethinking Education Ch. 3

**How does this reading impact your thinking about technology's role in teaching and learning?
                How this reading impacts my thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning is the reading puts my thinking at a hesitant level. Prior to this reading, my thinking was altered slightly; however my thinking about technology has stepped back in the previous state of uncertainty.
                In previous readings I learned that the use of technology, specifically computers can benefit student’s writing by making the student’s writing more legible. However, as I read this chapter, the author states that there is research that supports computers weaken student’s scores when it comes to paper and pencil writing test (p. 37). This statement supports my previous thinking, however, as I stated, in previous readings there is research that supports that computers improve writing. Now, I do not know where to stand and how to properly benefit computer use in the classroom. From previous observation experience in the classroom, I have found myself understanding that holding writing centers benefits the students. Writing centers contain the generic pencil and paper writing without computers. At that time students are engaging in active learning in which, she or he, is able to properly understand/fix the correct way to write. So, at this point I am back to agreeing with the statement stated in the book on page 37.
                Although I believe computers do not benefit the students in the writing subject, I do believe that computers often aide students in better understanding in different subject areas. After reading this chapter, I have come to realize that many students do not have the opportunity to engage in computer use in school, mainly because of cost. With the economy today, it is hard for schools to maintain budget through the ordering of technology such as new laptops or even SMARTBoards. When I am observing the classroom, I find myself observing at the traditional level; traditional level meaning that it is hands on activities and not “computer hands on” activities. Due to the cost of these things, schools I observe at can not afford the cost of computers; therefore that allows me not to experience growth among students, which aides in my reasoning.
                Classroom management is something that, I think, majority of teachers struggle with, especially at the elementary level. Typically teachers are so engaged in what they are doing that the teacher usually loses track of time. So, to say that classroom management would be difficult with the use of computers is just an excuse. There are often times where classroom management can be difficult without the use of a computer. Becoming accustomed to computers within your classroom or allowing appropriate time for computer use will benefit the students and also deepen their understanding. As a teacher, I think, having computers will also allow the teacher to see how much more he or she needs to be organized in order to have a successful and cooperating class.
                As I continued reading, I grew to understand that using computers on a regular basis challenges may occur, but what teacher does not face challenges? When using computers, it is hard to keep the student’s attention, but if the teacher is well informed about the curricula and what task(s) that students should be performing, then there should be no reason to give the students a step by step instruction. Instead, the students should be able to incorporate “that” into their lesson which would aide the students in proper instruction. Again, computers can often be a big distraction, especially at the younger age which could arise the question, who is the educator—the computer or the teacher? However, that again relates back to knowing the curricula better and obtaining previous knowledge. This reading really boggled with my mind and had me thinking are multiple situations.

What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
                As a future teacher I will incorporate “computer time” within my classroom and within each subject area when necessary. I know I do not know the exact school district I will be put into, but I would be very hesitant to ask for computers due to budget reasons, but I would at least suggest it. I would also take a deeper look at Plato. Through my quick understanding, this websites seems to benefit student’s learning as well as the teacher’s learning. Another thing that I would do when involving computers in the classroom and making a rules chart. I think it is very important to go over rules of the computer, so your students are able to know and understand the proper use of computers. For example, I would indicate that he or she should only be on the given website, he or she is not to browse any other website unless previously told so or if they ask me, etc. Making those rules will set boundaries for students who may not use computer often and better yet, set boundaries for all students.
                When applying computer use to my classroom I would also make sure I know and understand the curricula. I would take specific courses needed to enhance my understanding to ensure in proper education for my students. I will use the computers as an aide and not as a “break” or “catch up” time. Computer use should strictly be used in active learning that way the student does develop bad habits. There is a lot of new thinking to apply to my future classroom due to this chapter.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Exit Slip 9/23/10

Today in class, the new thinking that I took away involved chapter discussions. When using technology, it is very important to have a backup plan. I typically have black up plans, but I realized that technology is not always cooperating, so a back plan is necessary to continue on with the lesson.  Another new thinking I took away is how to operate the SMARTBoard, particularly calibration. When I first used a SMARTBoard it was quite complicated to write on the board because the SMARTBoard was not aligned. Another new thinking I took away from class is downloading lesson plans off of SMART Exchange. This website seems beneficial. For example, there are multiple examples or Notebook lessons one can use to take attendance. Overall, from class I was able to take away a lot of tips, if you will, that will guide me as a future educator.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chapter 4: Wikis

1). How does this reading impact you thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning?

This reading about wikis brought my thinking about technology, specifically wikis, to a complete stop. Before this reading, I was not a huge fan of wikis, especially Wikipedia. My reason I disliked Wikipedia was mainly because my teachers in the past highly disliked it. When assigned a paper from my past teachers, which required resources, my teachers would specially indicate not to use Wikipedia or any wikis. The reason students were not allowed to use Wikipedia as a resource was because of the exact opposite reasons listed in the book; teachers said that it was not credible, wikis were open to anyone to edit and sometimes you receive false guidance for your research. I was completely turned against wikis due to my past experiences.
However, through this reading, my thinking was completely altered and brought to an abrupt stop. This reading helped me to understand that Wikis can be beneficial to individual’s learning. Yes, Wikis may have downfalls such as, the public is allowed to edit at anytime or “hackers” edit with wrong information, but in reality everything has its downfalls, especially technology (that’s why it is important to have a backup plan!). Also, before this reading I just thought there was a few wikis, I never realized how many different wikis there are that apply to a classroom setting or to educators.

2). What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
As a future teacher, I hope to probe the student’s thinking with technology. As a direct result of this new thinking, I will try my hardest to incorporate wikis into my classroom. My ideal job would be to teach at the second grade level, but any elementary grade would be great! Therefore, my only concern with this new thinking is, will it be able plausible at the younger ages, such as kindergarten, first, and/or second grade? During the early years of school, students are often growing in their cognitive abilities and basic motor skills thus; I think wikis would be too much for their learning skills.
On the other hand, if I was teaching at the third grade or a higher grade, I would be more apt to include wikis. One item that I would include in my future classroom is an online text. I believe having an online text would secrete less confusion in the class. Using a wiki for my classroom would allow my students to access it at home and also help out their students. My wiki would be a place for my students to get help from one another depending on the subject, and he or she could also get information from this wiki. My classroom wiki would be only open to my students, because I want to keep the information safe and reliable for them to refer to. What my classroom wiki would include is, objectives/rules for the class, guidance to help them on a certain problem, my students would be able to edit problems that would aide their students in the right direction of obtaining the correct answer, and multiple other things. I would also recommend this to my students’ parents or maybe make a wiki for my students parents. Having a wiki for students will allow me to get feedback and also communicate with parents more.
Using wikis in my future classroom(s) is something I am going to aide myself in doing.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Ch.2: The Technology Enthusiasts' Argument

1). How does this reading impact your thinking about technology's role in teaching and learning?
As I read chapter two, my thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning slightly became questionable; questionable in the sense that I was questioning my own thinking about technology. My thinking was being altered specifically as I read the interaction section and game simulation sections. Before reading this chapter, I believed that technology does play an important role in teaching and learning. However, I also believed that technology can have a negative impact among students, especially at the elementary. An example I thought of (and stated in lab discussion) is, students handwriting would not be able to develop because he or she would always be referring to the computer and not be able to practice their handwriting skills. Therefore their handwriting would not be readable because of the lack of practice. Conversely, as I read this chapter, I was in total shock to find out that word processors helps students write well! I still have a hard time believing this, if you will. I believe that practice, practice, practice is a key concept, especially at the elementary level.
What I have trouble understanding is how technology can improve one’s ability to write clearly/well when it is all done without actually writing. If one was physically writing, he or she would be able to practice their writing abilities, instead of just “seeing” their words. Overtime, I will come to understand this concept. I am glad this chapter was able to alter my thinking.
In the game and simulation section, this section allowed my thinking about technology to deepen. Before reading this section, I believed that games were a good way to enhance a student’s learning. As a read this section, I found my thoughts matching the author’s perspectives. What I was able to grasp a better understanding of, is that games allow students to deal with conflict and things that are dealt with on a regular basis.
As one section altered my thoughts about technology, one section also deepened my thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning.

2). What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
As a direct result of this new thinking and as a future teacher, I will engage my students in more technology. Instead of being hesitant to adapt technology in the classroom, I will be more confident that my future student’s skills will not be tampered by technology. Incorporating more technology within my classroom will further my student’s skills because he or she will get direct feedback, this will allow my students to understand his or her mistakes quicker. Another thing I would do differently is incorporate more educational games. Including more educational games will allow my students to deal with conflicts in different scenarios and be able to adapt to those scenarios. This chapter allowed me to get a better understanding of technology and helped me rethink what I would do as a future teacher.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Exit Slip 9/16/10

Today in class I was able to deepen my understanding of technology in the classroom. For the past several assignments, I was devoted to my own opinions. However, through the discussion of chapter one, I was able to listen to other’s opinions. Listening to other student’s opinions allowed me think deeply about my opinion and even more important, my future students. I really enjoyed the discussion of chapter. Also, through today’s lab, I was able to mentally grasp on the understanding of Triangulation and how important it really is.  Even though, in my past blog about credibility, I mentioned comparing websites of the same information multiple times; I will now remember the key term-Triangulation.  Another thing I “took away” from class was I honestly did not know how I was going to present the chapter book project, but now I have a suggested idea of using The last new thinking I took away from class today was the tips about the SMARTBoard. Even though they were “little” tips, I was able to understand how to operate the SMARTBoard a little bit better. Just a side note, I like the idea having the stars or smiley faces. J

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Growing Up Online: Video

1). How does this video impact your thinking about technology's role in the lives of young learners?
This video was very intriguing; in fact, it profusely impacted my thinking about technology’s role in the lives of young learners. First off, I think students in high school should view this video because the video would give them a different outlook on technology; especially in cyberspace such as MySpace and Facebook. As I watched this video, it made me think twice about technology involving cyberspace. I was not well informed about the “damages”, if you will, that cyberspace can do to young learners. Now, that I am well aware of what some technology can do to some young learners, it would be in my best interest as a future teacher to promote safety with technology; particularly in cyberspace. I knew of the risks that could occur, involving predators, but I never knew about cyber bullying or how young learners could be someone else online.
Through this video, my positive outlook on technology has diminished a little bit. I know cyberspace and Weblogs are different, but at the same time they share the similarity of being open to the public. If some parents are concerned about their child’s life to the extent of monitoring their access to Internet; for example having the computer in the kitchen, then parents would feel like their child is going behind their back when at school. On Facebook, anyone can see that you have a profile. They (the public) may not see your whole profile or access it, but they are able to see that you an account. Concisely, the public is also able to view one’s blog. Weblogs are supposed to be used for academic resources, a way of reflecting on homework however, there are some students that display personal information that could possibly harm their identity. Now, I am hesitant about technology’s role involving younger learners.
2). What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
As a future teacher, I would approach technology very carefully as a direct result to this new thinking. The reason I would approach technology carefully is because to keep the students safe. If I were teaching at the elementary level, I would try to find a video that helps interpret this video. I think it is important for students to know of the dangers when it comes to technology and how to approach it carefully. Before using any technology at a young age, I would ask of parent’s approval. I believe it is important to let the parents know what you have planned for your curriculum and how you will use that certain technology. If I decide to use weblogs as a way of reflection, I would make sure no student’s name is apparent and also discuss that it is just a reflection of an assignment. I would also direct them to confront myself or a parent if they had any concerns about privacy/safety.
            In the future, I really do hope to incorporate technology as a way of learning, but I want all my students and parents to feel safe while working with technology that could possibly be viewed by the public.

Chapters 1, 2 and 3: Weblogs Reflection

1.  How does this reading impact your thinking about technology's role in teaching and learning?

Reading chapters one, two and three impacted my thinking a lot about technology’s role in teaching and learning. Before reading this chapter, I was not yet persuaded to use technology in my classroom (that is to the extent of Weblogs). I thought technology would be more of a distraction than a learning tool towards my future students. However, through reading these three chapters, I am persuaded to use technology in my classroom. Conversely, I am still hesitant to use technology, such as Weblogs, at the younger elementary level. I have a desire to teach at the second grade level and I deem technology would doubtfully “set back” learning. The reason I deem this is because students at the second grade are still developing their academic, social and behavior skills. With technology, the students would be developing academic and social skills to a certain extent, but not to the extent they should be at developing these skills. I feel as if technology would damper their writing skills because majority of his or her assignments would include technology (well, that is how the author of the book makes it sound). However, for students at the fourth grade and higher would have these skills developed and technology would deepen their learning.
Overall, I believe this impacted my thinking about technology in a positive way. Reading these chapters has made me think twice about technology and the benefits it can actually provide in a classroom setting.
2.  What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?

            What I would do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking is apply as much technology as possible to my lessons and teaching profession. Even though I have a desire to teach second grade, I will teach wherever God places me. So, as a direct result of this new thinking, I will try my best to incorporate Weblogs across my curriculum. Technology in my teaching professions would involve me having Weblog(s) of my own, in which the parents of the students are able to see what went on that day at school. I think it is very important that the parents are actively engage within their child’s learning. As a result of this I would create a Parent Portal Weblog. This Weblog would allow parent(s) to access what has been going on in the classroom, expectations for students and parents, classroom rules, etc. If I were placed in a second grade classroom I would engage in Weblogs with the class, so they are able to understand how to work blogs. If I were placed in a grade beyond third grade, I would have an Online Filing Cabinet be an important aspect with that class.
            Having an Online Filing Cabinet is a great way to document the students learning. I think it is a more productive way of “saving” student’s class work too. Sometimes their class work can be misplaced, but with an online filing cabinet one is able to access it quite easy. I also think having a Class Portal would benefit students in fourth grade and beyond. I definitely know that a class portal would benefit students at the high school level because it would prepare those attending to further their education after high school graduation. For instance, I disliked D2L my freshmen year of college, but later I found out why I did not like D2L. The reason that I did not like D2L (similar to a class portal) is because I did not have background knowledge of it and I was not the best person to be using technology. Now, I think D2L is a great way to communicate to your professor and/or classmates. As a future teacher I would definitely find ways to incorporate Weblogs such as an online filing cabinet, a class portal or even a parent portal, no matter what grade I am teaching at.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Website's Credibility

1. Identify how you will teach young learners about evaluating websites for credibility (that is, what process/procedure will your students follow to ensure that they will determine that the sites listed below are not credible?)

As a future teacher I will inform my students about websites that are not credible. It is very important, whether you are a student at the elementary, middle school, or high school level, to understand and know how to validate a website. The procedures I would take in my future classroom to educate my students on incorrect websites would include multiple steps. The first step would involve me, as the teacher, relaying information about the Internet. I would indicate that the Internet contains a lot of inexact information. Many websites contain people’s thoughts, comments, or ideas because the Internet is open to everyone to do as they want. Relaying that information to my future students will allow the students to understand that not all things on the Internet are true and/or reliable.
     Next, the second step would indicate ways for the students to glance at a website and know whether or not it is a reliable website (i.e.: .org, .edu, .gov, etc...). This step would also include examples of beneficial and reliable websites. At this time I would use the November Learning Information Literacy Resources web page to help me guide my students through the correct understandings of URLs. Also within this step, I may provide a task sheet that would be a future reference for the students to refer to. The third step involves the students understanding the first and second step on their own; which would include the students looking up information and obtaining that information from multiple websites. For example, I could have them look up information about September 11, 2001 and find two websites that they know are reliable and two websites that may not be reliable and compare. This is an important step because this step helps students to manage their own understanding of credibility on websites.
     These steps I have indicated are steps I was taught or were guided through at a younger age. I have alternated them in hopes of bettering the understanding of websites and their credibility. I believe it is important for students to explore websites, so he or she is able to understand if the website is reliable or not. In the future, I will use the three steps listed above to ensure students will know how to determine if a website is credible or not.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ch.1: Rethinking Education

1. How does this reading impact your thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning?

     How this reading impacts my thinking about technology’s role in teaching and learning is it emphasizes technology’s importance. Before reading this chapter I knew technology had deeply upgraded over the past several years; for example, SMARTBoard. I did not know about technology’s impact among education. In a way, I feel that technology is degrading schooling because so many students are taking their education outside of schools, as mentioned in the chapter. What I mean about degrading is that technology has become an important aspect of learning. If a school is without certain technology then the student and/or parent(s) decide that the school is not up to par.
     However, through the understanding of this chapter, I am able to see that technology plays a huge role in teaching and learning. I now understand why classes, such as Education 331, are important and required for students pursuing to become a teacher. Personally, I am not a big fan of technology because I seem to have the worse luck, but I have come to understand that knowing technology is important in becoming a teacher. There really is nothing that can be done because technology is constantly growing. Technology influences learning, but does not always influence teaching. As teachers, “we” will have to become custom to teaching with technology because students are already custom to learning through technology.

2. What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?

As a future teacher I will try my best to excel in recent technology to promote this thinking. I will also take in account the importance that technology does have on learning. It also is important to note that teachers are not only experts in teaching, but experts in making learning happen. Therefore, if technology is a way to make learning happen, then allow that to take place. As a future teacher I will take the classes I need or attend meeting/conferences that will further my understanding in technology. I want my future students to stay in school and not have to learn outside of school because of the lack on technology in school. I hope to be a teacher well educated in technology, especially the SMARTBoard.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Exit Slip 9/9/2010

In reflection of lab today, I learned a variety of things. To start out, I learned how to write on the Smart Board. I learned that writing in cursive is easier to do because you don't have to lift up the marker. The Smart Board can also be complicated because you have to be careful not to use multiple tools because the Smart Board will pick up the last "action". Another thing I learned was how to make a word a link. I never knew how to do that before, but now I know. Making a word a link, also less clicking, if you will, so you are able to get to a different website faster. Another thing I never knew how to do is add a website to your favorites. In particular, I did not know how to add it to my favorites bar. That again, will be a quicker and easier way to access a website I use quite often. The last and probably the most important thing I learned was how to save important web pages. I never heard of Delicious before, but through better understanding I will now know how to access important web pages because I have an account I can go to and simply "look it up." I strongly believe that my Delicious account will be very beneficial for me in my near future.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Digital Autobiography

How much effort did you exert on this task?
I put forth a lot of effort in completing my digital autobiography. I tried each website that was offered for this task. I also completed two different digital autobiographies; one on PhotoShow and the other one of Vuvox. I thought making two different digital autobiographies would allow me to recognize the “weakness” in the one another. While making my digital autobiography, I made sure all the words were spelled correctly, the tempo of each picture was at the correct speed and each picture was in the correct order. I previewed my PhotoShow (digital autobiography) several times to make sure everything was just right. I thought previewing it would allow me to locate the mistakes I made along the way. I took a lot of time making sure my digital autobiography was the best it could be. Due to certain website options, I was not able to advance in certain things such as style of text, stickers, bubbles, etc. because I would have to purchase it. However, with what I was given, I believe I exceeded beyond my expectations.

What is the value in completing this course task?
The value in completing this course task is relevant to my classmates. This task allows my classmates to become more like co-workers. He or she will be able to know more about me. Completing this task is important for the growth of friendships in the class. It is important that friendships are built throughout the class because this resembles working with other teachers in the teaching profession. Building friendships with my classmates, by viewing their autobiography, will allow me to work with him or her better because I know a little more about him or her.

How does completing this course task impact your future teaching?
Completing this task has a slight impact on my future teaching. The reason I say this task had a slight impact on my future teaching is because of the technology reasons. On each website given to use, there was multiple tools one can use to improve their digital autobiography. However, I was not able to obtain “more tools” to improve my autobiography without making a purchase. This makes me realize, as a future teacher, that I will have to work with what I have and make the best of it. This also has an impact on my future teaching because it makes me realize that I will have to gain a better understanding on all sorts of technology, such as Smart Board. Each day there is a new upbringing of technology that will allow students in the classroom to engage in active learning; as a future teacher, it is my job to understand that new technology.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Technology in the Classroom

(1).   Technology means using a form of electronics in order to surpass learning within each student. Technology helps develop and accommodate different learning styles within the classroom.

(2).   Technology integration in the classroom consists of multiple technology systems such as computers and smart boards, which engage the students in active learning.