While preparing our Public Service Announcement, each group exerted a lot of effort in planning and producing our PSA. We met multiple times outside of class to prepare and gather our ideas together. We divided each other’s work up equally, in order to secure a proper balance of workload. Our PSA on Facebook privacy allowed us to be familiar with our content because of having our own accounts. As a group, we wrote our script in order to be prepared when recording our video. Prior to recording our PSA we practiced many times in order to ensure us of no mistakes. We gave our best effort in producing the best PSA we are capable of making.
Creating and sharing our PSA allows our peers to view our content and educate themselves on the harm of Facebook. This impacts my future teaching because a PSA exposes me to a different technology tool I could use in my future classroom. It would be a great way to implement the classroom rules through using a PSA. Developing a PSA relating to classroom could be produce by my students or me. Allowing my students to produce a PSA would allow them to fully understand the classroom rules. Creating a PSA allows me to familiarize myself with the understanding of using iMovie in order to develop a finished product of a PSA.
Viewing my classmates’ PSAs can supply me with knowledge about other content too. When I view my peers’ PSAs I am able to develop other way to approach a PSA that could benefit me in my future teaching. Overall, we each exerted a lot of effort on our PSA to produce a PSA to the best of our ability.